Water Chiller

Birla Aircon online chiller is a multipurpose product that hold an important role in several departments.Schools or universities with large number of students prefer to install tank in coil cooler with their overhead tank. This is the best possible solution as now they just have to install taps on each floors for cold water supply. The chiller intakes water from the overhead tank and turns it into cold water which is then directly supplied to water taps .

Online chillers are also used in various machinery process for cooling down the machinery or their parts. We design the chillers according to the inlet and outlet water temperature needed by the client.

Chillers are also being used at various public places like monuments, amusement park, etc to satisfy the large water consumption need. At public places the water chillers are connected with the main tank. The taps are connected with the chillers outlet which regularly supplies them with cold water to satisfy the thrust of water specially during summers . 

water chiller

Water Chiller Have Several Usage…


Water chiller can be connected to overhead tanks in schools. Drinking water taps on connecting to chiller outlet with provide students cold water regularly.


Large industries rely on online chillers as apart from drinking purpose the chillers are used at different places with different outlet water temperature


Chillers are installed at various places in universities like in campus, mess area, etc. This avoids the problem of not getting cold water during lunch hours.

Corporate Offices

Chillers are the source to fulfill the demand of large water intake in corporate offices.

Machinery Process

Birla Aircon Chillers are also used in various machinery process for part or machine cooling purpose.

Public places

Underground chillers are installed in public places like monuments,parks, etc. This provides people the facility of cold water in drinking water taps.

Technical Specifications

Process Water Chiller 0.25 Ton

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149 Old Delhi Chungi Delhi Road Near HDFC Bank Meerut

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Phone : +91 9368832200, 8076230147

Email : jainsunakshi18@hotmail.com


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MON-SUN 09:00 am – 8:30 pm

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